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Category: Wireless | ||
BT Crack |
A Bluetooth PIN Recovery tool. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-08-02 12:09:41 74.6 KB 316 |
btscanner Version:1.0 |
btscanner is a tool designed specifically to extract as much information as possible from a Bluetooth device without the requirement to pair. A detailed information screen extracts HCI and SDP information, and maintains an open connection to monitor the RSSI and link quality. btscanner is based on the BlueZ Bluetooth stack, which is included with recent Linux kernels, and the BlueZ toolset. btscanner also contains a complete listing of the IEEE OUI numbers and class lookup tables. Using the information gathered from these sources it is possible to make educated guesses as to the host device type. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-08-02 12:09:36 365.92 KB 326 |
Boingo Embedded Wi-Fi Toolkit Version:1.0.55 |
The Boingo® Embedded Wi-Fi Toolkit is a modular connection manager that can be integrated into dual-mode phones, VoIP handsets, portable gaming consoles, digital cameras, and other mobile devices that can benefit from broadband connectivity. | Created Size Downloads |
2010-08-02 12:09:36 4.39 MB 856 |
Pong Version:1.1 |
A Tool to check the vulnerability of your WirelessLan AccessPoint. In case your AccessPoint is running a vulnerable Firmware, you get access to all relevant details such as admin password, WEP keys, allowed MAC-Addresses and some more... |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 32.87 KB 458 |
Void11 Version:0.20 |
void11 is a 802.11(b) wireless network penetration utility. It implements basic attacks like de-authentication flooding (network dos) and authentication flooding (access point dos). void11 automatically searches and attacks target networks, stations or access points configurable by simple match-list expressions. It is possible to deny all 802.11(b) wireless service in a range, because of it's "roaming" capability. void11 has been built on top of the Linux hostap daemon and provides a simple command-line interface and a clicky-bunty gtk+-2 interface. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 155.06 KB 362 |
RFIDIOt Version:0.1q |
RFIDIOt is an open source python library for exploring RFID devices. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 358.85 KB 277 |
War Linux Version:0.5 |
A new linux distribution for Wardrivers. It's main intended use is for systems administrators that want to audit and evaluate thier wireless network installations. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 19.04 MB 257 |
HereCast |
Herecast is an application that delivers location-based services using only an 802.11 network (no GPS required.) It can also be used as an Wi-Fi network scanner for Pocket PC 2003. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 156.31 KB 285 |
WepLab Version:0.1.5 |
Weplab is a tool to review the security of WEP encryption in wireless networks from an educational point of view. Several attacks are available so it can be measured the efectiveness and minimun requirements of each one. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 697.43 KB 340 |
Wellenreiter Version:1.9 |
Wellenreiter is a GTK/Perl wireless network discovery and auditing tool. Its scanner window can be used to discover access-points, networks, and ad-hoc cards. It detects essid broadcasting or non-broadcasting networks and detects WEP capabilities and the manufacturer automatically. Dhcp and arp traffic will be decoded and displayed to give you further informations about the networks. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 508.04 KB 298 |
Airfart Version:0.2.1 |
AirFart is a wireless tool created to detect wireless devices, calculate their signal strengths, and present them to the user in an easy-to-understand fashion. It is written in C/C++ with a GTK front end. Airfart supports all wireless network cards supported by the linux-wlan-ng Prism2 driver that provide hardware signal strength information in the "raw signal" format (ssi_type 3). Airfart implements a modular n-tier architecture with the data collection at the bottom tier and a graphical user interface at the top. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 97.83 KB 298 |
Magic Map Client Version:0.4 |
Cooperative location determination via wireless lan. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 5.04 MB 384 |
WiFiFoFum Version:2.1.12 |
A Wifi detector for PDAs and Windows smart phones Wififofum allows you to search for wifi spots as you walk or drive and allows filters to be set to detect unencrypted connections also has a radar to help you get closer to the spot. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 4.8 MB 282 |
WebStumbler Version:3.04 |
WebStumbler is a simple application for turning NetStumbler summary files into HTML files. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 131.62 KB 243 |
Stumb Verter Version:1.5.0 |
StumbVerter is a standalone application which allows you to import Network Stumbler's summary files into Microsoft's MapPoint 2004 maps. The logged WAPs will be shown with small icons, their colour and shape relating to WEP mode and signal strength. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 5.12 MB 271 |
WPA Cracker |
WPA Cracker is a dictionary/brute-force attacker against WiFi Protected Access (WPA). WPA takes two forms; WPA Enterprise Mode and WPA PSK (Pre-Shared Key) Mode. WPA Cracker takes advantage of an inherently vulnerable characteristics of the PSK implementation to provide users an insight that the security must be deployed properly. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 198.7 KB 531 |
WEP Crack Version:0.1.0 |
WEPCrack is a tool that cracks 802.11 WEP encryption keys using the latest discovered weakness of RC4 key scheduling. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 6.13 KB 480 |
BTScanner for XP Version:1.0.0 |
BTScanner for XP is a Bluetooth environment auditing tool for Microsoft Windows XP, implemented using the bluecove libraries (an open source implementation of the JSR-82 Bluetooth API for Java). |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 1.05 MB 271 |
Kismet |
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic. Kismet identifies networks by passively collecting packets and detecting standard named networks, detecting (and given time, decloaking) hidden networks, and infering the presence of nonbeaconing networks via data traffic. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 850.75 KB 335 |
Haraldscan Version:0.3 |
Harald Scan is a Bluetooth discovery scanner. It determines Major and Minor device classes according to the Bluetooth SIG specification and attempts to resolve a device's MAC address to the largest known vendor/MAC address list. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 8.72 KB 260 |
Netstumbler Version:0.40 |
NetStumbler is a tool for Windows that allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 1.24 MB 285 |
NetStumbler 2 GPS Trackmaker |
Converts your summary- and textfiles from Netstumbler to a GPS trackmaker-file with waypoints and tracks. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 71.17 KB 259 |
AirSnare |
Airsnare is an intrusion detection program to help you monitor your wireless network. It will alert you to unfriendly MAC addresses on your network and will also alert you to DHCP requests taking place. If AirSnare detects an unfriendly MAC address you have the option of tracking the MAC address's access to IP addresses and ports or by launching Ethereal upon a detection. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 10.94 MB 271 |
WifiScanner Version:0.9.1 |
WifiScanner is a tool that has been designed to discover wireless node (i.e access point and wireless clients). |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 110.35 KB 290 |
Prism Stumbler Version:0.6.0 |
Prismstumbler is a wireless LAN (WLAN) which scans for beaconframes from accesspoints. Prismstumbler operates by constantly switching channels an monitors any frames recieved on the currently selected channel. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 452.45 KB 250 |
BlueScanner Version: |
Discover Bluetooth devices and protect your network against known vulnerabilities and attacks such as BlueSnarf, BlueSmack, Bluefish, and more! |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 948 KB 264 |
BlueSweep Version:1.0 |
An easy-to-use freeware utility to identify and analyze any nearby Bluetooth device. With BlueSweep, you can: * Identify every local Bluetooth device. * See interconnections between Bluetooth devices. * Identify all services available on each device. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 5.71 MB 249 |
AP Hopper Version:0.3 |
Enables your connection to automatically hop between APs! |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 19.7 KB 232 |
Wdriver Version:1.2 |
Wdriver is a little tool that can help during the process of war drive, It can get you a DHCP Adress, it can browse the web directly, it gives you some information, it can do a ping, it can send a message like a “net send“ in the early years of dos but without a sender notice so people can not see who has send it. Wdriver also allows to check connectivity and allows you to quickly change the hostname of your computer. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 626.56 KB 259 |
Warglue-Suite Version:1.0 |
This is a multiplatform general utility suite for use with existing network stumbling software, such as Kismet or NetStumbler. The program will convert between multiple output logs, including the popular wi-scan format, between platforms. |
Created Size Downloads |
2010-07-22 14:31:31 1.22 MB 243 |