These are the 14 commandments of suck-o, read them, understand them, and sure as hell follow them, or the next thing you will be reading is 403.
1: There will be no harassment of any user on suck-o forums nor the IRC. Such actions include the private messaging of insults, flaming, and degrading the user behind their back. If you are holding a grudge against another member, do not take it out in the forum. Flaming another member on the forum because you have something against that member will in most cases get your post deleted or the thread locked. Take it out in PM in effort to try to solve the issue instead and let's keep a comfortable atmosphere on suck-o.
2: You will not supply, or ask for cracks, keygens, serials, or fully functioning programs (that should cost money) on these forums. Suck-o is not here to encourage the malicious and illegal activity of hacking, but to teach all sides of it, for the purpose of helping others.
3: No explicit questions, such as 'can someone hack www.somesite.com' or 'how do i hack www.blah.com', etc. We are not here to do work for you, nor will we provide you with links to easy to use "hack tools" that will assist you in your malicious activity. Nor do we support the defacing, or hacking of websites. We are here to guide you and help you learn all sides of technology, not to hold your hand.
4: You should not ask for any form of authority on the suck-o forums, or website. Contributing to the forums and its users will surely make you noticed by the staff members, and you will probably be offered a position, depending on the average content of your posts.
5: Do not advertise. Suck-o is not a link exchange, so don't post a topic just to get people to go to your website. If you want to advertise something, put it in your signature, or profile, that's what they're there for. We have a Promotion/Business forum where you can show your site, but please note that you need at least 20 posts to make a thread here (posting one liners to reach the limit does not count).
6: You will not pretend to be another registered member at any time. We will handle it as identify theft and will take action accordingly. If you feel that you want to be left alone, it is perfectly okay to use the /ignore command on the IRC to ignore who ever is bothering you.
7: Posting phished accounts and/or links to phished account lists is prohibited. Phished material is out of the scope of the forums. Discussion in a Security context is acceptable.
8: You are not to re-open any old topics to where it is clear that they aren't being discussed any further. Doing so is very annoying, and repeated occurrences will probably get you either suspended or banned. However, if you have more to contribute to the topic (make sure it's something helpful), then feel free to start a new topic about it.
9: Suck-o has a lot of younger members and it is therefore unfitting that you post anything pornographic or anything else that is not good for sensitive persons for that matter. If you want to share your "material", you can do so in PM or the IRC chat where you have more control over who watches.
10. The staff on Suck-o work hard to keep the party going. We review posts 24/7 and make sure that the forum is active and that there is always something fun going on. We will not tolerate any kind of disrespect against any staff member, we work our butts off for you. Disrespect can result in warnings, up to a ban.
11, The staff will never give out your personal information, nor will we supply anyone else with your IP address. Also, the staff will never ask you for your login details. Anyone asking for your login details on suck-o shall be reported to a staff member and dealt with.
12: Content may not be cross-posted to another forum without express, signed, permission from the original poster.
13: You will not post links to malicious applications that could cause harm to the users of Suck-o. If you have created a program that you are proud of and want to share, then inform a staff member and he or she can make sure that your application is added to the download section, or that you are given the right permission to post it.
14: You are not now, nor never, allowed to expose a Suck-o users real identity, nor give out any information on the boards that could lead to the exposure of a Suck-o members real identity. Every member has the right to stay hidden behind their screen if they so wish, with the exception from staff members who can see everything.