Suck-O Time

Boycott Mozilla! PDF Print E-mail
Written by bad_brain   
Thursday, 10 April 2014 23:04

boycott mozilla



#5 RE: Boycott Mozilla!stavros 2014-05-26 00:58
Question is: What do you change to? Internet Explorer is still a pile of shit. Google Chrome I don't trust because Google. The next best option I know of is Pale Moon, but you might as well go with an older version of Firefox and not update.
#4 RE: Boycott Mozilla!bad_brain 2014-04-28 20:37
because the Mozilla Foundation de facto fired the former CEO Brendan Eich (that man invented Javascript for example and was one of the original founders of the Mozilla Foundation).
reason? he isn't pro gay marriage and said that in public.
so the Mozilla Foundation is against free speech and should be boycotted.
#3 RE: Boycott Mozilla!luggyx 2014-04-21 08:33
Realy why?? It has something to do with spying on users?
#2 #2 RE: Boycott Mozilla!lukie 2014-04-13 16:49
??? why.
I thought mozilla was our friend.
or is getting to point, where its time to code your own browser. :D
#1 RE: Boycott Mozilla!akya 2014-04-13 05:27
lol why?

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