Suck-O Time

# Article Title Author Hits
101 Iranian hacker 'claims revenge for Stuxnet' ph0bYx 2775
102 Database Compromised By Blind SQL Injection ph0bYx 3106
103 UK ISPs and Rights Holders Debate Voluntary Block of 100 Piracy Websites ph0bYx 5654
104 Dutch Court Rules WiFi Hacking Is Now Legal ph0bYx 2650
105 PHP 5.3.6 closes five security holes ph0bYx 3231
106 Hacking Competition Leaves Android and Windows Phone 7 Devices Undefeated ph0bYx 2743
107 Google APIs to improve security with SSL ph0bYx 3063
108 Physicists Develop Quantum Version of Public Key Encryption ph0bYx 2533
109 Pwn2Own 2011: Day 2 - iPhone and BlackBerry hacked ph0bYx 2697
110 Anonymous now attacks the US music industry ph0bYx 2639
111 Julian Assange tells students that the web is the greatest spying machine ever ph0bYx 2427
112 U.K. judge OKs Assange extradition to Sweden bad_brain 2865
113 IBM Watson wins Jeopardy bad_brain 3871
114 Pwn2Own 2011: Extra prize for Chrome hack ph0bYx 2824
115 SourceForge applies global password reset after hack attack ph0bYx 2809
116 Egypt Shuts Down Its Net with a Series of Phone Calls dnr 3115
117 Sony wins injunction against PS3 hacker George Hotz crashacid 8875
118 Google begins censoring torrent queries in searches ph0bYx 2504
119 Fedora infrastructure hacked – no damage done ph0bYx 2453
120 GOP pushing for ISPs to record user data ph0bYx 2984
121 Microsoft woos hacker George Hotz ph0bYx 2893
122 Hackers sell access to hacked .mil and .gov sites ph0bYx 2687
123 Trojan bypasses cloud-based anti-virus ph0bYx 2623
124 The Real Stuxnet Story DNR 3157
125 No court order against PlayStation hackers for now bad_brain 3257
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