Suck-O Time

# Article Title Author Hits
126 Internet Explorer CSS Zeroday on Windows 7 dnr 2984
127 US to spy on its own people crashacid 3573
128 NIST's search for the super hash – just five candidates left in SHA-3 final ph0bYx 2861
129 Pro-Wikileaks hacktivistas in DDoS dustup with patriot contras ph0bYx 3162
130 WikiLeaks' Assange jailed bad_brain 3637
131 Lone hacker theory in Wikileaks DDoS attack ph0bYx 4782
132 Panasonic pitches monster 3D plasma TV bad_brain 3240
133 Europe simulates total cyber war ph0bYx 3165
134 'Anonymous' Takes Down Copyright Office Site Via DDoS ph0bYx 3120
135 [DONE] Downtime this weekend! bad_brain 3111
136 Beginning of the end for Microsoft? ph0bYx 2713
137 Wikileaks outs 400,000 classified Iraq War docs ph0bYx 2995
138 Oracle Confirms Committment to ph0bYx 3540
139 Jury convicts programmer of planting Fannie Mae server bomb bad_brain 2809
140 Anti-piracy enforcement vs. a functional Internet ilkjester 3769
141 Stuxnet Worm a U.S. Cyber-Attack on Iran Nukes? bad_brain 3386
142 Binary Planting dnr 3136
143 General says cyber attacks must be stopped hpprinter100 3303
144 RFID of automobiles, tire pressure sensor dnr 5872
145 Dangerous iPhone exploit code goes public dnr 4199
146 DefCon is Over, here is the best... dnr 4763
147 How I met your girlfriend - DefCon Lecture dnr 4547
148 Attack Of the Facebook Snatchers 2 dnr 3564
149 5 Pakistani hackers behind the bars Broken Angel 11352
150 Call it Pornistan... bad_brain 3973
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